Home > Products > Employee Activity Management System

The basic purpose of the system is to automate the Activity Forms processing within an organization using a Web Enabled application. Activity forms are filled in by the employees (including managers). They are then submitted to the first-level manager (supervisor or team head). The first level manager views and recommends / rejects them. If rejected, they are returned to the originating employee with comments. If recommended, they are submitted to the second level manager (department or company head). The second level manager views, and approves / rejects them. If rejected, they are returned to the first-level manager with comments. If approved, they are automatically combined with all other submitted activity forms, and summarized into reports to be sent to the administration / accounts department. A flexible number of approval levels are supported.

The Employee Activity Management System is useful to organizations that either work on contract projects on time and material basis, or otherwise keep track of their activities on a project-wise basis. Target organizations include:

  • Information Technology
  • Consulting
  • Engineering
  • Construction
  • Research and Development
  • Legal
  • Auditing


  • Saves employee's time in maintenance of activity records
  • Improves activity reporting accuracy
  • Report generation for billing customers for time spent on projects
  • Analysis of productivity of various employees
  • Automated email reminders for pending activity form submissions and
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