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TechAges has following products in its catalogue:

Textile Management System
The Textile Management System is a functionally rich office automation system. It offers a diverse range of interconnected modules designed to support best practices specifically in the textile industry. These modules provide real time information maintenance, tracking and intelligence facilities to users. For further details click here.

Employee Activity Management System
The basic purpose of the system is to automate the Activity Forms processing within an organization using a Web Enabled application. Activity forms are filled in by the employees (including managers). They are then submitted to the first-level manager (supervisor or team head). For further details click here.

Patient Management System
This product is a clinic management system specially designed for doctors who wants to manage their daily patients and medicines data. For further details click here.

Pathological Lab Management System
This product helps pathological lab technicians to perform pathological lab test management on daily basis. This is a very comprehensive product, which covers all the operation performed in a pathological lab. For further details click here.







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